I’m fine but I’m not happy. Not happy with my job, my weight, my bank account. I go through phases, sometimes I’m content and days fly by. And then I’m happy and busy and laughing. I go to sleep and I can breathe okay. But right now I’m unhappy, and I have nails in my hands keeping me stuck in this place. I’ve given up on trying to free myself. I am numb from my fingers to my toes. I want to get out of bed and feel something other than sadness. They say when you graduate college the world is your oyster but right now it feels like I am the oyster. Being eaten alive by the rich assholes at my minimum wage job. They like their egg whites and turkey bacon. I don’t want to feel this way but it sticks to me like a second skin. People don’t understand they say I’m dramatic and privileged, but they don’t know what it’s like to look in the mirror and see nothing.

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